Per Nyberg of Stradigi AI discusses “blue collar” AI applications with Stephen Foskett. What problems can businesses solve with AI technology? Machine learning can find anomalies and outliers in manufacturing and finance, look for relationships in data, and cutting through the complexity of multi-disciplinary data. Consider customer churn: Machine learning can discover features in profiles that might not be visible even to an expert. Data scientists and AI experts must learn to present AI technology to average business people in terms they can understand, and this has lead to a “haves/have nots” situation where some companies or business units don’t have access to this technology. We also need to reduce the science fiction appeal of AI and express what it can’t do.
Guests and Hosts
Per Nyberg is Chief Commercial Officer for Stradigi AI. Find Per on LinkedIn to continue the conversation and connect on Twitter as @_PerNyberg or @StradigiAI
Stephen Foskett, Organizer of the Tech Field Day Event Series, part of The Futurum Group. Find Stephen’s writing at, on Twitter at @SFoskett, or on Mastodon at @[email protected].