Podcast Season 1

Applying the Lessons of Data Science to Artificial Intelligence with @YvesMulkers

Data architects like Yves have been involved in enterprise IT applications for decades, but AI and ML are impacting the field in many ways, and we discuss how this world has changed

We begin by taking a look at the world of data and analytics in the enterprise. Data architects like Yves have been involved in enterprise IT applications for decades, but the world really took off with the advent of data warehouses and the field of data science. Now AI and ML are impacting the field in many ways, and we discuss how this world has changed. Data scientists come from a statistics background, while modelers come from software engineering. How do the tools interact and intersect? What is Yves excited about and what frightens him? How does the infrastructure support all this? We finish with a look at what the future looks like: We will see a lot of evolution in science and medicine for data and ML, and this technology will be found everywhere in the datacenter and the cloud.

Key questions covered include the following:

  • How did the world of data and analytics evolve in the enterprise?
  • How has AI/ML impacted the job of the data scientist?
  • How can the data modelers, software developers, and IT Ops work together?

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Episode Hosts and Guests

Yves Mulkers, Data & Analytics Strategist. Find Yves on Twitter at @YvesMulkers.

Stephen Foskett, Organizer of the Tech Field Day Event Series, part of The Futurum Group. Find Stephen’s writing at, on Twitter at @SFoskett, or on Mastodon at