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Podcast Season 2

Taking Machine Learning on the Road with IBM and B-Plus

Development of autonomous vehicles is an excellent example of machine learning applied to industrial IoT

Development of autonomous vehicles is an excellent example of machine learning applied to industrial IoT. In this episode, Alexander Noack of b-plus and Frank Kräemer of IBM Germany join Chris Grundemann and Stephen Foskett to discuss data collection on the road, central processing, and AI model training. Machine learning is part of the development of autonomous vehicle development and is also used in production in vehicles. It is also used to filter data and enhance processing, and this is the same concept found in many edge and industrial use cases. Edge computing is relevant beyond AI, and these technologies are complementary, with the edge moving right into vehicles, factories, retail outlets, medical facilities, and more.

Three Questions

  • When will we see a full self-driving car that can drive anywhere, any time?
  • Are there any jobs that will be completely eliminated by AI in the next five years?
  • How small can ML get? Will we have ML-powered household appliances? Toys? Disposable devices?

Guests and Hosts

Frank Kräemer, Systems Architect at IBM Germany. Connect with Frank on LinkedIn or on Twitter @IBM .

Alexander Noack, Managing Director at b-plus . Connect with Alexander on LinkedIn

Chris Grundemann is the Managing Director at Grundemann Technology Solutions. You can connect with Chris on LinkedIn and on X/Twitter or visit his website to learn more.

Stephen Foskett, Organizer of the Tech Field Day Event Series, part of The Futurum Group. Find Stephen’s writing at GestaltIT.com, on Twitter at @SFoskett, or on Mastodon at @[email protected].